Tools and Technology
Infraster works on complex issues on servers to reduce downtime, improve performance and help Web Hosts reduce their support costs. The Infraster team is made up of Computer and Electronics Engineers with years of experience in the Web Hosting industry. The combined expertise of 30+ engineers in Infraster makes for a formidable talent pool that can handle just about any technical challenge in Web Hosting.
Operating Systems
- Linux - RedHat Linux, CentOS, Fedora Core
- Windows - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 / 2008
- Virtuozzo
Web Application Servers
- Apache
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Apache Tomcat
Mail Servers
- Smartermail
- Sendmail
- Qmail
- Postfix
- IMail Server
Control Panel Software
- WHM cPanel
- Parallels Plesk Control Panel products
- Webmin/Virtualmin
- Hosting Controller
FTP Servers
- Pure-FTPd
DNS Servers
Database Servers